

2010年6月27日 星期日

[❤烹飪] 夏天消暑聖品之芒果沙拉

炎熱的天氣, 如果可以來個酸酸涼涼微辣的芒果沙拉, 頓時胃口也大開吧?


今天要跟來跟朋友們分享怎麼弄簡單又開胃的芒果沙拉 (Kerabu Mango)


青芒果 - 3顆, 紅蔥頭 - 適量(大約15-20顆), 檸檬 - 1顆, 姜花 - 1根, 香茅 - 1根, 泰國柑葉 - 2葉, 小辣椒 - 適量(喜歡吃辣的可以多加一些), 糖 - 適量(大約7湯匙), 魚露 - 2湯匙


1. 紅蔥頭切片, 加入檸檬汁和適量的白糖, 醃5-10分鐘.

2. 香茅, 姜花, 泰國柑葉, 先切成絲再剁碎 (尤其是泰國柑葉一定要剁得碎碎的, 不然會有苦味哦~), 然後放到紅蔥頭那一起醃, 再加入切好的小辣椒.

3. 青芒果去皮, 切絲, 放入碗中和其他材料攪拌均勻. 

4 最後加入2湯匙的魚露, 稍微攪拌再放到冰箱, 待冷後就有清涼的芒果沙拉可以享用嚕!

簡單的4步驟, 大家也來動手做看看吧!


吃芒果沙拉的時候, 可以加入一些炸好的小蝦米或干魷魚碎, 那會更讚唷!



2010年6月19日 星期六

[❤趴趴走] 壓力大+愛唱歌之Neway三人瘋

5月份的某一天, Neway終於隆重登陸檳城這個小島. 

剛開張沒多久, 我們愛唱歌的這一夥就說要約一天去Neway唱歌+吃自助餐 (聽說他們家的自助餐比紅x的好吃) (路人甲: 到底是去唱歌還是吃東西啊你們?)

星期5下班後, 3個女人於是約好在Neway碰面. 

進入房間東西放好, 餓到不行的3個女人當然是先衝著去拿吃的嚕!  吃飽才有力氣唱歌, 對吧?

星期5每位收費 RM30++ (包含2杯飲料 & 吃到飽自助餐)

左2圖中就是傳說中貴死人不償命的零食 (RM11++/碗), 左3圖中是水果拼盤 (RM20++)

自助餐的食物選擇還蠻多的, 沙拉, 熱食, 甜品, 粥, 海鮮, 壽司... 任君子選擇, 任食唔嬲 

大致上Neway的食物還不錯吃, 服務也ok, 選曲也粉多粉新的, 只是感覺隔音沒有紅x那麼好... 還有那個廁所的門檻, 有需要弄得這麼高嗎? 不小心真的會跌個狗吃屎說

或許因為世界盃的關係, 原本只是3小時的卡拉時間, 但時間到了也沒關機說...



Neway Karaoke Box (Queensbay Mall)
3F-28, 27 & 26, Queensbay Mall,
100 Persiaran Bayan Baru
11900 Bayan Lepas Pulau Pinang



2010年6月11日 星期五

[❤碎碎念] 2010年6月


6/17   壓力

最近壓力很大, 每天總是很緊張的在過日子, 上班趕趕趕, 連晚上作夢也是趕趕趕.  原以為儘量把工作的事情處理好, 那回台灣的時候就可以比較放心, 回來上班的那1個星期也不必那麼緊張的趕飛機似的... 結果人算不如天算, 我助理今天呈上一個月辭職通知信.  

有人找工作嗎?  急徵Accounts Clerk 一位


6/16   Happy Dumpling's Day

還記得小時候, 每當端午節, 奶奶和姑婆會一起裹粽子.  那些粽子才開始蒸好, 我們這些小瓜就吵著要吃... 現在端午節要吃肉粽, 就只能外買了. 

一直以來我都很想學裹粽子, 我覺得這是華人的美好傳統, 必須好好保留, 可惜我阿母很年輕就到外地工作, 沒有得到我外婆的真傳, 結婚後同樣的為了要賺錢養我們這些小孩, 也沒有學到我奶奶的功夫... 原本今年有機會好好跟我家婆學習怎麼裹粽子, 但因為考試+工作的緣故留在檳城, 錯失了機會.  希望明年有機會!

話說我之前一段日子似犯了燈神, 先是房間的燈不打不亮, 接著就打了也不會亮 - 掛掉了!  那時候想說至少我角落那還有一盞鹽燈, 房間還不至於太暗.. 哪知道過沒幾天, 鹽燈也掛了!! 

原本以為只是燈泡燒掉了, 結果買了燈泡回來卻不能亮, 去電器店問修, 老闆很大排的說要我等... 說甚麼沒有裡面的燈座要去買, 之後還要等膠乾, 然後收費要RM18, 還要我等..等..等.. (老娘我買那個鹽燈, 燈座+鹽燈也不到RM30耶! 換的燈座要這麼貴, 那我乾脆買個新的好了!)  我承認我急性子, 最討厭就是等等等, 火大起來乾脆開車去Thye Huat買燈座回家自己研究自己換... 費用: RM5.90   (可憐的鹽燈因為沒有插電結果溶化變超小的...哀)


6/14   失眠

原以為我對要上考場考試已麻木不仁了 (畢竟不知不覺中也唸了這麼多年), 沒想到我還是會因為隔天要上考場而失眠... 唉~ 我想沒有人比我更笨了, 一個學位竟然花了n年還考不上.


6/11   durian durian, I luv u!

不知不覺回來檳城也2個多月了, 還有2個星期就要回台灣去了說~ 回來檳城的這些日子, 應該吃的街邊小吃一樣不少的放入肚子裡, 除了小吃, 還有港式點心, 海鮮餐, 泰國餐, 韓國餐, 印度餐, 馬來餐... 然後趁現在是榴槤季, 當然要不客氣的給它吃個爽快~   你說甚麼? 會變胖妹哦? 那個吃了再減好嚕! 不吃怎麼有力氣減呢?

印象中某人好像還欠我"蒸蘇冬"說~  (小心... 食言必 月巴 哦!)

這幾天唸書唸到快瘋了我, 難道真的是到了一定的年紀記性就變不好了說, 不然怎麼唸了都不能記在腦袋瓜呢?  加油吧! 駱家大小姐


2010年6月8日 星期二

[❤烹飪] 酸酸甜甜開胃醃番茄

炎熱的天氣, 如果可以來些涼涼的, 酸酸甜甜的, 胃口會比較好, 心情也會跟著變好吧!  所以... 今天來跟朋友們分享如何做簡單又開胃的醃番茄.

準備的材料有 番茄 和 白花桃條(醃制) **



1. 首先當然是把番茄洗乾淨然後擦乾嚕!

2. 在番茄底部劃一刀 (如上圖)   ** 只要劃一刀就好, 不要把底部整個切斷唷!!

3. 用小刀刮掉少許的果肉.   ** 這樣比較好塞入花桃條

4. 塞入白花桃條, 把"番茄蓋子"蓋上, 然後放入冰箱冰隔夜.   ** 如果花桃條太大片可以把它切小塊一些唷!


炎熱的天氣, 來顆醃番茄, 真是人生一大幸福啊!


   Oo   lolo 碎唸  oO  

** 白花桃條哪裡買? 我是在檳城Sunshine Farlim內的"鹹酸甜"攤買的, 不然也可以用其他的梅條代替, 只要味道帶微咸+酸就ok了.

** 番茄至少要醃隔夜才會好吃唷!


2010年6月6日 星期日

[❤美食] 晚餐清淡點之一點也不清淡泰國餐@ChokDeeThai Restaurant

晚餐時間跟駱阿菱商量要吃甚麼, 她說今晚想吃清淡一些, 於是我們決定先去買湯圓, 然後去Burma Rd買我愛的麵包, 再到Kuantan Rd買她的炒米粉...結果人算不如天算, 湯圓沒開檔, 麵包店關門了, 最後我們的晚餐竟然是一點也不清淡的泰國餐.  (難怪說女人是善變的)

廢話少說, 來看看我們2位善變的女人點了些甚麼

貓同事推薦的Belacan Rice : RM15

酸酸辣辣的清湯海鮮東炎 : RM20

好吃的魚酥芒果沙拉 (Mango Salad Crispy Fish) : RM14

一點也不辣還有點甜的"三拜" (Sambal)  : FOC  (我還是比較愛"chili corner"的sambal)

蜂蜜綠茶 (Honey Green Tea) : RM3.50

最後免不了當然要來碗泰國甜品 Tup Tim Krob : RM5


ChokDeeThai Restaurant

231-D Jalan Burma

10350 Penang, Malaysia

Tel : 04-2291492


Business Hour : 11.30am - 2.30pm | 6.30pm - 9.30pm

(Closed on Monday)




     Oo   lolo 碎唸   oO    


之前一直聽貓同事說這家泰國餐廳的食物很好吃, 今天終於有機會嘗試, 或許是個人口味有些不一樣, 我感覺還好而已


餐廳內的冷氣很強, 菜才上桌沒一下就變冷了


餐廳老闆娘有點糊塗, 其實我們除了以上那些還點了一道"三拜臭豆" (Petai Sambal), 結果吃飽了菜還沒送上來, 但卻顯示在帳單上... 結帳後又發現怎麼2杯飲料卻要價RM14  問老闆娘, 原來她算錯了... 幸好因為有道菜沒有上, 才會檢查帳單, 不然就白白浪費了二十多塊


2010年6月3日 星期四

[❤分享] Are you Happy 妳/你快樂嗎?

On a certain occasion, during an elegant welcoming reception for the new Director of Marketing of an important London company, some of the wives of the other directors, who wanted to get acquainted with the new spouse, asked her with  some hesitation:

Does your spouse make you happy, truly happy?

The husband, who at the moment was not at her side, but was sufficiently near to hear the question, paid attention to the conversation, sitting up slightly, feeling secure, even filling his chest lightly in pride, knowing that his spouse would answer affirmatively, since she had always been there for him during their marriage.

Nevertheless, to both his and the others’ surprise, she replied simply:

"No, he doesn’t make me happy...

The room became uncomfortably silent, as if everyone were listening to the spouse's response.
The husband was petrified. He couldn't believe what his wife was saying, especially at such an important occasion for him.

To the amazement of her husband and of everyone, she simply placed  enigmatically on her head an elegant black silk scarf and continued:

"No, he doesn’t make me happy …I AM HAPPY.
The fact that I am happy or not, doesn’t depend on him, but on me."

"I am the only person upon which my happiness depends.
I make the choice to be happy in each situation and in each moment of my life.
If my happiness were to depend on other people, on other things or circumstances on the face of this earth, I would be in serious trouble!"

"Everything that exists in this life changes continually: humans, wealth, my body, the climate, pleasures, etc. I could enumerate an infinite list…"

"Over my life I have learned a couple of things:

I decide to be happy and the rest is a matter of "experiences or circumstances", like helping, and understanding, accepting, listening, consoling; and with my spouse, I have lived and practiced this many times….

Happiness will always be found in forgiveness and in loving yourself and others.

It's not the responsibility of my spouse to make me happy... He also has his  "experiences or circumstances"   I love him and he loves me, often inspite of his circumstances and of mine.

"He changes, I change, the environment changes, everything changes;
Having forgiveness and true love, and observing these changes, that can be, big or little, but always happen, we must face them with the love that exists in each one of us.
If the two of us love and forgive each other, the changes will only be "experiences or circumstances" that enrich us and give us strength.  Otherwise we would only be "living together".

For some, divorce is the only solution;
(…in reality it  is the easiest…)

To truly love, is difficult.  It is to forgive unconditionally, to live, to take the "experiences or circumstances" as they are, facing them together and being happy with conviction.

There are those who say:

"I cannot be happy because I am sick, because I have no money,
Because it' too cold, because they insulted me,
Because someone stopped loving me,
Because someone didn’t appreciate me!"

But what you don’t know is that you can be happy even though you are sick,
Whether it is too hot, whether you have money or not,
Whether someone has insulted you,
Or someone didn't love you, or hasn't valued you.

is an attitude about life and each one of us must decide!

depends on you!



   Oo  lolo 碎唸  oO   

這世界上沒有人"應該" 負責讓你/妳快樂, 快樂不是由自己主宰的嗎?

很多時候我們會因為身邊的某些人/事/物, 而影響了自己的心情.  我們總會說: 都是因為某某人/事, 讓我$&%#@*  但... 靜心想想, 我們何必拿他人的過錯來懲罰自己呢?  遇到不愉快的事情, 深呼吸再順順氣, 告訴自己 - 我的快樂我主宰!   

顯然地, 說比做簡單得多, 真正可以做到的又有多少人呢? 但..有志者事竟成, 我要努力當個有修養的人!!