

2008年11月30日 星期日

[❤美食] 081129 Ribs BarBeQue Restaurant

昨天和美玲, 美雲還有他老公一起去 Ribs BarBeQue Restaurant 吃晚餐.  以前好幾次經過 Burmah Road 的時候, 都會想說找天要來去試看看好不好吃, 結果拖阿拖的... 感謝美雲和美玲的晚餐, 謝謝你們幫我補慶生日啦!

他們家的套餐有包含汤, 主餐, 飲料還有甜品說.  看了菜單後, 我們3個女生決定要點套餐說 ~

 這個美雲點的飲料 - Sherry Temple

(好像是Sprite + ?? 的, 味道是還不錯啦! 小豬偷喝了一口, 只嘗到Sprite的味道說, 不過顏色很漂亮)  


(小豬沒有試喝, 因為最近喝了太多紅酒了說, 至少喝了2 litre 的紅酒, 會不會中酒毒啊?)

那白酒是小豬點的 ~ 第一口味道真的沒有很好, 感覺臭臭的, 但是慢慢喝下去, 感覺好順口哦!

這是套餐配的湯 Soup of The Day (偶忘了汤名了說), 還有Garlic Bread

Mr Lam 的南瓜汤 (Pumpkin Soup)

這是小豬點的 Pan Fried Salmon Fillet Wrapped In Bacon.  (RM56.90++)

medium done 的新鮮鮭魚用培根包裹著, 配上馬鈴薯泥和特制醬料 ~  

美雲和美玲點的 Grilled N.Z. Lamb Loin & BBQ Ribs (RM 59.90 ++)

羊肉弄得不錯, 沒有羊骚味但是略嫌有點硬啦! 不過小豬很喜歡羊肉上面的醬料 (薄荷味道的, 有像吃Tandoori Chicken的其中一種醬料啦!)  至於肋骨呢~ 好吃! 

這是Mr Lam 點的鮭魚+肋骨 (忘記真正的菜名是甚麼了~ )

套餐附送的甜品 Dessert of The Day

底下橙黃色的是冰沙, 吃起來味道有點像濃縮Sunquid橙汁, 酸酸的, 上面加上香草口味(vanila) 的雪糕, 剛好可以中和了冰沙的酸.


2008年11月28日 星期五

[❤美食] 081128 The Manhattan Fish Market

Grilled Platter for One  (一人份的燒烤盤)

~ 份量粉大的說, 都吃不完啦!

Mushroom Soup  (蘑菇濃汤)

~ 不錯喝的汤

Sauce 醬料


今天午餐時間和同事 Liana 到了 Queensbay Mall 的 The Manhattan Fish Market. 

粉久以前就想要試試這家餐廳了, 但是一直都沒有機會說... 今天終於有機會嘗試了說~

謝謝同事Liana~ 謝謝妳的午餐    感覺好幸福哦~



The Manhattan Fish Market 的網站 :  http://www.manhattanfishmarket.com/


1128, 偶又長大一歲了啦!  (絕對不是像大豬說的 : 妳又老一歲了哦! )

從昨天12點開始就陸陸續續收到親戚朋友的祝福, 真的是超感動的, 謝謝你們記得偶的生日, 謝謝你們的祝福, 好愛你們哦!


生日祝福排行榜 :

1. Jane 妳是No.1 唷!  謝謝你的MMS, 圖片很可愛說~

2. 偶的親親妹妹, 妳是No. 2!  在工作那麼忙碌中還記得你姊偶的生日, 愛妳哦!  不過你還是欠我一餐唷..誰要你忘了偶的農曆生日說~

3. Jo, 妳是No. 3啦! 上海旅遊剛抵達那麼累, 竟然沒有忘記給我傳簡訊送上祝福, 超感動的啦~

4. 藍大豬~ 你3甲不入哦! 你說該當何罪?  我要罰你.. 罰你..罰...等我想到再跟你說

5. 聰記~ 不管時間相隔多久, 距離多遠我們永遠是朋友啦!

6. 很可愛的世哲~ 你真的很可愛啦!  收到你連續兩天的祝福說~ 謝啦!

7. 體貼的蚊子, 你是在10名之內哦!  蚊子真的讓我覺得他很體貼也, 很多時候我們一班朋友約在北海聚會, 回家后都會收到他的簡訊或打電話問我平安到家了沒 (他們都是住北海, 只有偶是住檳島的).  有女生想要認識他嗎?  偶可以做介紹哦!

8. Nie2, thanks for the wishes~

9. 阿公竟然還記得偶的生日, 超開心的!  今天才知道原來阿公都有定期來部落格看偶, 只是都是潛水中. 阿公以後要留言啦...讓偶知道你來過阿!  要是你想給我愛的留言卻害羞被別人看到的話, 也可以給我留悄悄話唷~  

10. Small 是top 10的最後一位哦!  恭喜恭喜~


要謝謝小保提早的祝福, 偶覺得妳跟世哲真的是心有靈犀唷!  你們倆都提早一天給我祝福說, 過年大家約出來吃飯, 認識認識一下吧!

要謝謝 親愛的老姑和嬸嬸 (芒果蛋糕好好吃說), 偶的姊妹們Cherrie, Pon, 神婆My Toh (神婆~ 偶比較想聽妳現場唱生日給我聽, 要不下次錄了傳給我也OK, 可以當電話鈴聲 ), 台灣的朋友Sean, 丫哲 (丫哲~你的祝福沒有遲到啦!), 高中同學Joanne, 北海的Jessy (恭喜你要結婚了, 要幸福哦!)   謝謝你們的祝福, 我都收到了!

謝謝公司的同事幫我慶祝, 唱生日歌, 還有謝謝你們的卡片 

謝謝Liana的午餐, 偶吃得很幸福哦!

還有~ 謝謝豬媽的紅包!  嘻嘻



os : 偶應該沒有漏掉誰的名字吧?


2008年11月23日 星期日

[❤甜品] 芒果布丁 Mango Pudding


星期3早上經過菜市場的時候看到漂亮的芒果, 想起之前買了一盒芒果口味的布丁粉還沒煮說~



新鮮的芒果配芒果口味的布丁粉... 絕配啦



用的就是這個牌子 - NONA 的布丁粉. 沒有記錯的話, 他們家的布丁粉還有粉多口味的唷~


只要跟著盒子背後的步驟, 就可以做成美味可口的布丁嚕! 

方法真的很簡單說, 粉+水攪拌煮滾后, 倒入模型, 放入切丁的新鮮芒果, 放入冰箱冰就ok了~

2008年11月16日 星期日

[❤烹飪] 拉沙式烏賊 Laksa Style Squid


今天除了烤雞翅膀, 還煮了這道炒烏賊.  lolo幫它改名為 <拉沙式烏賊>, 因為那汤汁有像檳城拉沙(laksa) 的味道~


用的醬料就是這包A1牌的葡萄牙蒸魚醬.  它可以用來蒸魚也可以用來炒肉, 炒烏賊, 炒花枝, 炒蝦...



做法 :

1. 首先先把從市場買回來的烏賊處理乾淨,  切段, 然後用少許鹽巴清洗. (洗的時候會有泡泡哦! 那是正常的, 放心)


2. 煮一鍋水, 等水滾后用來燙烏賊 (是燙不是浸泡哦!) , 然後把燙過的烏賊放入冰水中浸泡一下, 瀝乾水份備用.


3. 熱鍋, 然後倒入少許的油, 再放入切好的洋蔥.  把洋蔥爆香后, 倒入A1醬料, 等醬料滾后再把烏賊倒入鍋裡炒, 加2茶匙的糖. 待滾后熄火就可以上桌嚕!





p/s : 個人覺得那原包裝的醬料有點咸說, 如果要用來蒸魚, 建議先加入少許的砂糖攪拌后, 再倒在魚上面拿去蒸.

[❤烹飪] Buffalo Wings (Garlic & Herb)



之前在紅豆沙媽媽那看到她介紹這牌子的醃料, 就很想去買來試做看看...  小豬很愛吃雞翅膀, 但是現在外面賣的雞翅膀真的越來越貴了說, 而且有時候還會吃到讓人吐血的雞翅膀 (味道很差, 讓我期待的心情一下子從天上跌入地獄~)


在找了幾間的超市 (Tesco, Jusco, Gama, Sunshine), 終於讓我在Giant 找到了! 


昨天帶豬媽去做完血液檢查, 吃完早餐後 (其實應該不算早餐了吧?  吃飽已經近10.30am了) 才開車到市場去買雞翅膀, 那時候人家都快收檔了說~ 剩下的雞翅膀都小小的, 小豬稱他們為 - 發育不良的雞翅膀  但是為了解饞, 勉強選了10支感覺有比較大只的~

回家把雞翅膀再處理乾淨後 (市場買回來的, 偶爾會有去不乾淨的雞毛說), 就用醃料來醃制雞翅膀.  小豬是一只一只翅膀慢慢醃的, 就是先把少許醃料倒在手中, 然後塗抹在雞翅膀上, 再稍微幫它按摩一下.


把全部雞翅膀都塗上醃料後, 就用保鮮膜把碗封起來然後放入冰廚讓它醃過夜, 這樣會比較入味說~ 小豬大概醃了20個小時哦!



因為小豬家裡的迷你烤箱實在是太小了說, 一次只能烤3只雞翅膀說, 我分了3次去烤, 還有一只我拿去煎了說, 想看看不同的煮法味道會是如何.

結論是: 用烤的, 比較可以保留肉汁; 至於用煎的, 肉會比較硬說.  但是豬媽說煎的味道比較香, 小豬卻比較偏愛烤的啦!  


但是家裡烤箱實在有夠迷你的, 要烤個20支30支的, 那要烤到甚麼時候呢? 


2008年11月15日 星期六

[❤笑話] Joke


Story 1
Ah Lian ask shopkeeper : Eh~ Ah chek, u got sell stocking up to knee, boh?

Ah Chek : Lu siao ah! stocking wear up to 'yeo' (waist) only, where got up to the 'nee'(breast) one.


Story 2
Ah Beng bought a Honda VTI recently and drove to Ah Lian's place to show it to her. So Ah Beng was bragging the various functions of his new car to his girlfriend.

'This is ah, so fast even the Mata Chia cannot catch ah!'

'Ha! Really ah!!! Steady lah!' said Ah Lian.

'Some more hor, this is Automatic one, vely easy to drive!'

So Ah Lian said, 'Let me try! I wan, I wan!'

So Ah Lian took the driver's seat and shifted the gear and floored the accelerator. The next moment, the car sped backwards and crashed into the lamp-post.

 'Alamak! What u doing? U Siao Char Bo! U see lah! Wah Piang eh!' screamed Ah Beng.

 'Solee, solee, pai sei lah! No lah, I tot hor, 'R' for racing mah!'


Story 3
The Titanic was sinking, and there weren't enough lifeboats. So the captain had to persuade male passengers to jump into the icy waters to make room for women and children.

To the British he said. 'You must act like gentlemen.' They jumped.

To the Americans he said, 'You can be heroes.' They complied.

To the Germans he said, 'It's the rule.' They obeyed.

To the Japanese he said,' It's the consensus.' They obliged.

Then came the Singaporean and they just weren't budging until he came up with the appeal: 'Free life jackets for those who jumped.'


Story 4
3 recruits - Chinese, Malay & Indian are at the army supply base to collect underwear. The sergeant was there to aid the supplies.

Sergeant: Hei Ah Beng! How many underwear you need ah?

Ah Beng: (thinks a while) 7 sasen(sergeant)!

Sergeant: (puzzled) How come so many?

Ah Beng: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun. One day one.

Sergeant: (Malay recruit) Eh Mat! How many underwear?

Mat: (without hesitation) 6 sargen!

Sergeant: (curious) How come six?

Mat: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat & Sun. Friday I wear sarong.

Sergeant: (Indian recruit) Dei Tambi. How many underwears dah dei?

Tambi: (very confidently) 12 Sarjen !!!!

Sergeant: (shocked & fell to the ground) Why you need so manyfor?

Tambi: January, February, March.....One month one.


Story 5
Once upon a time, a group of Ah Bengs stepped into a lounge and wanted the DJ to play the song 'Ah Cheng Buey Ro Ti' (In Hokkien means Ah Cheng buys bread).

The DJ told them that they only have English songs and told them to select another song.

The Ah Bengs were very angry and kicked up a bigfuss, claiming the DJ was insulting them.

The manager had to intervene in order to calm them down.

Finally, after long talk with Ah Beng, the manager found out that Ah Bengs actually asking for the song 'Unchained Melody' by the Righteous Brothers.


Story 6
One day, two Ah Lians got into a lift from the 20th storey and want to get down to the ground floor.

As they looked at the dial, they could see the number 20 down to number 2. It was then followed by a G. As they not English-educated, they were puzzled and had no idea what does the letter G mean.

Suddenly one of them exclaimed excitedly and hit G. When they finally eached the ground floor, the other Ah Lian was so impressed and asked the first Ah Lian, 'Wah low!!! how you know one?

The first Ah Lian reply smugly, 'Easy lah.. G for Gero (Zero) mah...'

Story 7
Santa Singh just graduated from Law school and decided to apply for a job in the most prestigious 'Lee & Lee Law Firm'.

During the interview, Mr. Lee KY looked at Santa Singh's resume, thinks for a while and said, 'Well, I would need to discuss your application with my wife.'

And went off to discuss Santa's application with his wife.

Lee KY's wife  said: 'C'mon, don't you know that we only hire lawyers with surnames beginning with 'Lee' only? Of course, we can't hire Santa Singh!'

So Lee KY told the bad news to Santa Singh about his rejection.

Few days later, Santa Singh came back to the same company and request for another interview and Lee KY said, 'Look Santa, I have already told you that we only hire.......'

When Santa Singh interrupted him and said, 'I know, I know. I have just changed my name.'

Lee KY looked at Santa Singh in surprise and asked, 'What is your new name then?'

On this, Santa Singh replied: 'Surname Lee, Last name, Manga!' (Manga-Lee)