

2007年4月21日 星期六

[❤美食] 果王&果后

果王-榴槤 (也是小豬的最愛)

果后-山竹 (可能是季節剛開始,所以有比較小顆)


榴槤季節又來臨了, 難得台北的陳叔叔來檳城辦事情, 當然要給他試試我們這裡的本地榴槤囉.(和泰國榴槤有很大分別哦!) 去買榴槤的時候, 看到山竹...果王果后也, 怎麼可以把他們給拆散呢? 所以叔叔這次有口福了! 知道陳叔叔喜歡帶點苦味的榴槤 (跟小豬一樣哦! 記得我以前的男友是這樣跟我說的: 喜歡有苦味的哦...那把panadol弄爛了撒在榴槤上, 那就有苦味啦!), 所以要求老闆幫我挑一顆, 看著老闆刀上刀下的, 然後又把刀子放在鼻子上嗅, 最後終於幫我挑了一顆看似很棒很好吃的榴槤.(味道真的很香濃哦)

榴槤的味道實在是太香了啦! 結果我都不敢進機場等候...只好站在門外等待, 雖然味道還是一陣陣的傳出來, 但由於不是在冷氣中, 所以感覺還好, 也沒那麼對不起大家, 畢竟不是每個人都可以接受榴槤的, 有些人很愛它, 當然也有些人對它避而遠之, 感覺它很臭!!  哈哈  但是我粉愛吃榴槤的, 很愛很愛, 還試過因為吃太多而發燒喉嚨痛, 但是還是不能減少我對它的愛


[❤碎碎念] Mr.P One Man Wrap

前 - 口愛的Mr.P

後 - 產品的解釋 (感覺有像安全套唷...抱歉...我想太多了啦)

Mr. P ONE MAN WRAP mini wire keeper

Music knows no boundaries, and so does Mr.P just let him hang on and wrap himself around your wires while you happily enjoy your music.

Design: chaiyuth plypetch

Material: silicone

Size: 3.6 x 6.5 x 0.8cm

Colours: white/blue/orange

made in Thailand

今天看報紙一看到這個東東, 我就一直在心理喊說: 好可愛哦! 我想要!! 我要... 一直到今天才發現這個世界上竟然有這樣一個東西 - MP3耳機線收納(覺得自己好土哦). 每次聽MP3的時候, 總覺得那線怎麼那麼長, 剪不斷理還亂的樣子, 超不方便的... 怎麼會有那麼厲害的人, 竟然發明這個耳機線收納, 太偉大了啦!

雖然報章上沒有寫明說馬來西亞的哪個地方可以買到這些可愛的Mr.P產品, 感謝科技的發達, 終於讓我知道檳城唯一的一個地方可以買到這些可愛的Mr.P, 以我那急性子的個性怎麼可能等待呢? 雖然不能肯定說一定可以買到我想要的耳機線收納, 但是不去給他看一下, 晚上就一定睡不著啦! 結果....真的讓我給找到了!! 本來想要買橘色的, 感覺他的顏色比較鮮艷, 但最終還是買了藍色, 因為橘色的Mr.P眼睛怪怪的, 彷彿是沒了眼睛一樣...希望以後可以有粉紅色的出現, 因為小豬偏愛粉紅色啊(是那種比較鮮豔的粉紅啦)


2007年4月16日 星期一

[❤碎碎念] 我的第一次...手術

這個是做腹腔鏡的傷口....醫學很發達吧? 不會像以前那樣留下長長丑丑的疤痕, 只是很小很小的3個小洞 (不必擔心穿比基尼不好看了).

剛開始動完手術, 肚子會鼓鼓的哦...就像懷孕了4-5個月的孕婦一樣. 你問我傷口會疼嗎? 這個...當然是會阿! 那可是真的肚皮也, 雖然說脂肪比肉還要多啦...但是還是會痛啊!!! 在手術完成後, 麻醉劑也消退的時候, 醒來的感覺就是好冷哦!!! 我是在冰箱裡面嗎? 可憐的牙齒都一直在打架, 想說話也沒辦法, 然後肚脐那而感覺怪怪的, 有點疼...

推回病房的時候,醫生還交代說不行吃東西,不行喝水,如果很口渴也只能喝幾滴而已...擔心說身體會受不了, 然後嘔吐就更糟糕了...雖然說我是小豬,可是在醫院真的都睡不好也, 常驚醒, 很多時候都是在數時間...甚麼時候才會天亮呢?

我的身體算是恢復得比較快吧. 有些人手術過後沒辦法吃東西, 喝水也會嘔吐, 但是我還好, 都沒有這種現象, 而且還很好胃口...肚子空了一整天,突然被一堆食物給塞了進來因而無法適應..結果胸口和胃部就很痛很痛啦...這就是貪吃的後果囉. 所以那天開始吃東西都會慢慢的...因為那種痛的感覺真的很可怕!!!

最讓我受不了的就是....一直要放屁!! 好丟臉哦...可是醫生說那是正常的, 因為要做腹腔鏡就必須把大量的空氣給灌入肚子才行, 所以那也是為甚麼手術後肚子會鼓鼓的像青蛙一樣. 那肚子有空氣, 那放屁也是正常的囉!

今天已經是手術後的第5天了, 感覺傷口沒那麼疼, 行動方面也好很多了, 只是....那傷口怎麼越來越癢呢? 癢得我都快受不了!!! 麻煩時間跑快一點, 好讓星期三早點到來, 那我就可以把可惡的貼布給弄下來了...

然而會覺得癢...是不是也意味著傷口快復癒了呢? 應該是的...絕對是的啦!!!

期待星期三的到來, 好讓我可以快些上班去, 在家的日子真的好無聊, 好悶哦!!

2007年4月13日 星期五

[❤碎碎念] 回家的感覺真好

住了3天醫院,今天終於回家了,感覺好幸福哦! 雖然說醫院有醫務人員照顧,但是家裡還是最溫暖的...


我的同事們都陸陸續續的探望我,獻花,水果,燕窩, 最感動的就是他們給我的關懷....我真的超感動的!!! 還有我國中的好友,謝謝你們百忙中還抽空來看我, 當然還有我親愛的媽媽,叔叔嬸嬸,姑姑,弟弟妹妹...每天都去醫院探望我...還有辛苦了我媽媽,要她在醫院陪我過夜,照顧我, 辛苦了!!!

我同事們都一直問說為何大豬沒有來照顧我呢? 怎麼可以那樣? 其實是我不要他來的, 他來的話也不能幫上甚麼阿,又不是說他來我可以不必動手術,還是會痛少一些...雖然心理很想念他,但是卻不想他過來照顧我,因為我知道自己看到他就會想依賴他,對他撒嬌,這樣的自己感覺好軟弱,我希望自己可以堅強一些,不想成為他的負擔. 工作已經很累了,還要為我的事情煩惱,擔心...


希望下星期三去檢查的時候醫生說萬事都OK,可以去韓國玩了, 那就真的太棒了啦!!

2007年4月8日 星期日

[❤碎碎念] 良藥苦口?

時間過得好快,吃了幾天的藥,還是照三餐那種,搞得人都低落了. 我最不喜歡吃藥啦!! 嗚嗚...所謂苦口良藥,藥到病除,真的是那樣嗎???

還有兩天就要做詳細的檢查了,好希望那天是醫生眼花看錯了,其實我根本沒事,只是她一時鬧脾氣,鬧完脾氣就沒有事情了...雖然說只是在肥豬肚上開幾個小洞,但還是會有疤痕阿. 要是我一天突然提起勇氣想穿BIKINI也沒辦法穿了...嗚嗚...一想到要在那油油的肚子上戳洞,就覺得好可怕 (要是不小心把豬油給噴到醫生臉上,不曉得他會不會把我給滅口...哈哈)

這幾天,無時無刻都在找吃的...蝦面,加哩面...一些老人家覺得應該誡口的食物,我都拼命在吃, 害怕說過幾天就沒辦法品嘗了(我怎麼那麼貪吃阿? 唉~我還真像豬那樣會吃也)...沒有辣椒的日子,你要我怎麼過呢?

親愛的眾神們~請你們一定要保佑我哦! 拜託~

2007年4月5日 星期四

[❤碎碎念] 原來我真的很怕死

一直以來都認為自己是個不怕死的人,冒險活動我最愛,刺激遊戲哪可能少了我的份. 當今天早上再次看到"血崩"的時候,突然驚覺原來自己很怕死,我想活久一些,覺得我的人生不應該那麼短暫,我還沒結婚生小孩,還有很多地方沒有去,還有.... 原來自己真的很怕死!!!!!

我開始不知所措,腦袋開始一片空白...冷靜下來的時候就馬上打電話給我老闆娘,哭著跟她說我完蛋了,我要怎麼辦?不行,我要馬上去看醫生,不能再拖了! 真的很感謝我老闆娘,叫我不要緊張,要小心開車到公司去,還幫我打電話去醫院預約,再陪我去醫院等了好幾個小時. 如果沒有她,我真的不知道應該怎麼辦.


10點多我們就從公司出發去醫院,一路上車子也蠻多的,才驚覺說原來今天是清明節,還好趕得及在預約時間抵達醫院. 醫生是一個很好笑容的印度男醫師 (怎麼多數婦產科醫生都是男的呢?是異性相吸的關係,所以男生對這方面比較利害嗎?),他很細心的問了一些相關的問題,然後就幫我做檢查. 檢查結果就是發現我左邊的卵巢那兒有一顆2公分大的瘤. 為了更確認他給了我一些藥吃,讓經血完全停止,下星期(10/4)再去做更詳細的檢查 - MRI, 他也很好人的問說我有買醫藥卡嗎? 因為那個檢查最少要7百多馬幣也... 雖然公司有幫我們買醫藥保險,但是還是要等消息說這個保險公司有負責嗎..不然就要自掏腰包了. 如果確定是瘤的話,就要馬上入院隔天就要動手術把它取出來. 我長這麼大除了出生的時候睡過醫院,就再也沒住過醫院了...醫院給我的感覺總是不祥的...如果可以選擇我不想住院!!! 真的不想...

感謝關心我的同事,感謝我老闆(聽同事說他一進公司就問說我怎麼了,發生甚麼事情),雖然他是有點孤寒,但是說真的對我倒是挺不錯的. 當然最感謝我的老闆娘, 在打這篇文章的時候還收到她問候的簡訊,擔心我會不會失血過多暈倒了,哈哈...還一直提醒我要吃多點,怕我挨不住,真的好感動!!! 認識他們真的是我前世修來的福 (",)

為了自己,為了家人,我一定可以的!! 加油哦~小豬

2007年4月3日 星期二

[❤分享] "People don't care how much you know but know how much you care"

一篇感人的故事... I was born in a secluded village of a mountain. Day by day my parents ploughed the yellow dry soil with their backs facing the sky. I have a younger brother, 3 years younger than me. Once, to buy a handkerchief which all girls around me seemed to have, I stole 50 cents from my father's drawer. Father known about it right away. He made my younger brother and me kneeled against the wall, with a bamboo stick in his hand. "Who stole the money?" he asked. I was stunned, too afraid to talk. Father didn't hear any of us admit, so he said, "Fine, if nobody wants to admit, you two should be beaten!" He lifted up the bamboo stick. Suddenly, my younger brother gripped father's hand and said," Dad, I was the one who did it!" The long stick smacked on my brother's back repeatedly. Father was so angry that he kept on whipped my brother until he lost his breath. After that, he sat down on our stone bed and scolded my brother, "You have learnt to steal from your own house now, what other embarrassing things you will do in the future?? You should be beaten to death! You shameless thief!" That night, mother and I hugged my brother. His body full of injuries, but he didn't shed a single tear. In the middle of the night, all of sudden I cried out loudly. My brother covered my mouth with his little hand and said, "Sis, now don't cry anymore. Everything has happened." I still hate myself for didn't have enough courage to admit what I had done. Years gone by, but the incident still looked like it just happened yesterday. I will never forget my brother's expression when he protected me. That year, my brother was 8 years old; I was 11 years old. When my brother was in his last year of his lower secondary school, he was accepted in an upper secondary school in the central. At the same time, I was accepted into a province's university. That night, father squatted in the yard, smoking, packet by packet. I could hear him said, "Both our children have good results? very good results?" Mother wiped off her tears and sighed," What is the use? How can we possibly finance both of them?" At that time, my brother walked out, he stood in front of father and said,"Dad, I don't want to continue my study anymore, I have read enough books." Father swung his hand and slapped brother on his face. "Why do you have a spirit so damn weak? Even if it means I have to beg for money on the streets, I will send you two to school until you both finish your study!" And then, he started to knock on every house in the village to borrow money. stuck out my hand as soft as I can to my brother's swollen face, and said,"A boy has to continue his study; If not, he will not be able to leave this depths of poverty." Me, on the other hand, had decided not to further my study to university. Who knows on the next day, before dawn, my brother left the house with a few pieces of worn-out clothes and a few dry beans. He sneaked to the side of my bed and left a note on my pillow; "Sis, get into an university is not easy. I will go find a job and send money to you." I held the note while sitting on my bed, and cried until I lost my voice. That year, my brother was 17 years old; I was 20 years old. With the money father borrowed from the whole village, and money my brother earned from carrying cement on his back at construction site,finally, I managed to get to the third year of my study in the university. One day, I was studying in my room, when my roommate came in and told me,"There's a villager wait for you outside!" Why is there a villager looking for me? I walked out, and saw my brother from afar, His whole body is dirty, covered by dust, cement and sands. I asked him, "Why don't you tell my roommate that you are my brother?" He replied with a smile," Look at my appearance. What will they think if they know that I am your brother? Don't they laugh at you?" I felt so touched, and tears filled my eyes. I swept away dusts from my brother's body. And said with a lump in my throat, " I don't care of what people say! You are my brother no matter what your appearance is?" From his pocket, he took out a butterfly hair clip. He wore it on me, and said, "I saw all the girls in town are wearing it. So, I think you should also have one."I could not hold back myself anymore. I pulled my brother into my arms and cried and cried. That year, my brother was 20 years old; I was 23 years old. The first time I brought my boyfriend home, the broken window had been repaired.And it looked so clean inside the house. After, my boyfriend went home, I danced like a small girl in front of my mother, "Mom, you don't have to spend so many time cleaning the house!" But she said with a smile," It was your brother who went home early to clean the house. Didn't you see the wound on his hand? He was injured while replacing the window." I went into my brother's small bedroom. Looking at his thin face, I felt like there are hundreds of needle pricked in my heart. I put some ointment on his wound and bandaged it, "Does it hurt?" I asked him. "No, it doesn't hurt. You know, when I was working in the construction site, stones falling on my feet all the time. Even that could not stop me from working and?" In the middle of the sentence, he stopped. I turned my back on him and tears rolling down my face. That year, my brother was 23 years old; I was 26 years old. After I got married, I lived in the city. Lots of time my husband invited my parents to come and live with us, but they didn't want. They said, once they left the village,they didn't know what to do. My brother also didn't agree, he said, "Sis, you just taking care of your parents-in-law. I will take care of mom and dad here." My husband became the director of his factory. We wanted my brother to get the job as the manager in the department of maintenance. But my brother rejected the offer. He insisted on starting to work as a reparation worker. One day, my brother was on the top of a ladder repairing a cable, when he got electrocuted, and was sent to the hospital. My husband and I visited him. Looked at the white gypsum on his leg, I grumbled,"Why did you reject to be a manager? Manager will not do something dangerous like this. Look at you now, such a serious injury. Why you didn't want to listen to us?" With a serious expression on his face, he defended on his decision, "Think of brother-in-law?he just became the director, and I almost uneducated. If I became the manager, what kind of rumours will fly around?" My husband's eyes filled up with tears, and then I said, "But you lack in education also because of me!" "Why talking about the past?" My brother held my hand. That year, he was 26 years old and I was 29 years old. My brother was 30 years old when he married a farmer girl from the village. In his wedding reception, the master of ceremoniesasked him, "Who is the one you respect and love the most?" Without thinking, he answered," My sister." He continued by telling a story I could not even remember. "When I was in primary school, the school was in different village.Everyday, my sister and I walked for 2 hours to go school and go home. One day, I lost one of my pair of gloves. My sister gave me one of hers. She only wore one glove and walked for so far. When we got home, her hand was so trembled because of the weather that was so cold that she could not even hold her chopsticks. From that day on, I swore that as long as I live, I would take care of my sister and be good to her." Applause filled up the room. All guests turned their attentions to me. Words were so hard to come out from my mouth, "In my whole life, the one I would like to thank the most is my brother," And in this happy occasion,in front of the crowd, tears rolling down my face again. Love and care for the one you love every single days of your life. You may think what you did is just a small deed, but to that someone, it may mean a lot. *** 感激朋友的分享 ***

[❤分享] 吃碗當歸粥豐胸暖子宮

吃碗當歸粥豐胸暖子宮 當歸的藥效很廣,在各種補益的食材配伍中,都少不了當歸。所以無論識不識得中藥材,或者有沒有吃過藥膳,只要是中國人,大概沒有人不知道當歸的。許多女孩子,更是從小看到媽媽、姊姊來月經、坐月子,各種滋補的湯裡,總是瀰漫著當歸香。 如果說當歸是女性的恩物,雖不為過,但也侷限了它的功能。男孩子在發育生長期,所用的各種武功散、行氣散……或活血化瘀的方子,也都少不了當歸。當然因其功效而得名, 當其所歸, 對身體各部位的補益都恰如其分。 最主要的當歸的各項功能和血液有著密切的關係,生血、補血、清血、活血,把體內的壞血清除,再生好血。女人主血,男人主氣,每個月行經又會損失大量的血液,所以女人更需要用當歸來調理身體。女人血虛會造成臉色蒼白,手腳冰冷甚至冷感、歇斯底里等現象。冬天也許可以吃當歸薑母鴨來調理,夏天不妨吃清淡一點,喝碗當歸粥也不錯。尤其在經期過後,清淡而又能清血、補血的當歸粥可使妳子宮溫暖健康,子宮和乳房是互為表裡的,子宮溫暖健康不但容易受孕, 乳房的發育也會更豐滿。 當歸粥的材料及做法: 1.當歸十公克、米一碗。 2.當歸切碎在清水裡慢燉煮。 3.米飯蒸熟成乾飯。 4.將乾飯放入當歸水中慢熬半小時至湯稠米開即成。 註:用白米直接煮稀飯,煮出來的粥較寒,吃了容易泛胃酸,用乾飯熬成的粥就可以避 """ 感激朋友的轉寄email """

[❤碎碎念] 人在江湖身不由己?

人在江湖身不由己...這句話越來越寫實了. 有時候明明是不喜歡這樣, 但是為了不傷和氣就忍了下來, 是因為年紀開始有了, 所以火氣沒那麼大了嗎?

有時候覺得很不明白, 說是朋友但難道都是說假的哦? 是朋友的就不應該那樣套我的話, 應該了解說職責所在, 有些事情是不方便說的. 我很不喜歡這樣人, 這種朋友會讓我覺得好可怕, 搞不好甚麼時候被賣掉了都不知道還在那兒笨笨的幫人家數鈔票呢. 以前的我就是那樣, 傻瓜似的相信身邊的都是好人, 結果就搞得自己滿頭苞, 所謂不經一事不長一智, 現在的我學乖了啦!

其實我覺得朋友應該都是坦承相對的, 而不是你欺我詐, 真要是這樣的話, 那這朋友當來還有甚麼意思呢?

或許我是小氣的豬吧...只要被我發現幾次的不誠實, 那我心裡就會對那人存有戒心, 也很難再相信他了.